Monday, April 28, 2008
Implications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Many individuals simply don’t realize that obstructive apnea and other sleep related disorders can actually lead to other severe health implications. The true extent and severity of sleep apnea can be actually felt when multiple health implication arises which can cause numerous health related issues. In my case, I had high blood pressure, cold sweat, GERD, rapid heart rate and sudden weight gain. This in turn could possibly lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, gastric problems and a whole host of health related issues that are tied to obstructive sleep apnea. When it is said that sleep apnea has the potential to kill you, many people simple brush it aside saying that this statement is flawed and over rated. While this may be true to a certain extent, I feel that sleep apnea can physically kill or cause bodily harm if you’re operating machinery or driving a car and you get involved in an accident. This might be when sleep apnea actually literal “kills” or “injures you”. The statement that sleep apnea can kill, usually refers to the other implications and detrimental side effects it has that will cause you health related problems later on. It is due to these other related diseases tied to sleep apnea, that could potentially lead to other health complications which in turn could kill you. The main role of the Sleep Apnea Site is to create awareness about obstructive sleep apnea in Singapore and the potential health hazards that it can lead up to. Besides your health, there are other dangers that could also potentially ruin the quality of living. Losing your job to sleep apnea for instance, by not being attentive at the office or dozing off at your desk is indeed a potential career hazard. Spending quality time with your family and friends is also important, but remember, it has to be spent with you being attentive and awake not slumped at some corner snoring away. My take on obstructive sleep apnea is to tackle the problem head on. Do NOT let sleep apnea get the better of you! Just because you have it, doesn’t mean that you will have to live with it and suffer in silence for the rest of your life. You’re not alone, there are close to around 15% of Singapore’s population with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). You can make a difference by being one of the few who seek treatment and getting cured to improve the quality of your life. The video above highlighting the risks of sleep apnea is just one of the many examples of how being treated for sleep apnea can actually help improve the quality of your life. The lady in this video needed to undergo a heart transplant as she had been suffering from an enlarged and weakened heart to save her life. Cardio vascular disease and broken slumber shares a common link, sleep apnea. According to this video on sleep apnea, research shows that people with heart failure and untreated sleep apnea faces a significantly increased risk of death. The risk of dying is 2.5 times greater compared to people who didn’t have sleep apnea at all and treating obstructive sleep apnea can reduce that risk. CPAP treatment is one of the most dramatic treatments for sleep apnea and its impact can be seen just within a period of 24 to 48 hours! What was described in this video about obstructive sleep apnea was exactly what I personally experienced before I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and when I was first initially put on the CPAP device. I thought this would be a great video to hightlight the dangers of sleep apnea and focus on the curative properties of the CPAP machine which totally relates to my sleep apnea experiences and its positive results. If you have sleep apnea or suspect that you do, I strongly suggest that you fix an appointment with any of these sleep specialists in Singapore today. Labels: cpap treatment, sleep apnea implications, sleep apnea video |